Image by Amanda Leigh Photography

I have had the honor of co-laboring with many ridiculously awesome people over the last 7 years. I get to know these people and then I get to witness them birth another ridiculously awesome human being into this world; it’s a pretty sweet gig I have. What makes my job even cooler? When these awesome people decide to do it again!

I’ve been blessed by a string of repeat clients in the last few months. This is such a treat when a personal and working relationship has already been established. I am usually able to witness glimpses of these families, growing together, before helping them prepare to make room for more. I can’t express enough how thankful I am to be part of these life journeys!

After sending out a request for feedback from clients that I have worked with in the past, I received a few encouraging words that blessed my socks off. Amongst these words was this gem from a dad:

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As the husband and expecting father – I have a lot to worry about.  When my wife suggested we hire a doula my first thought was “Do you know how much we are already spending on this damn birth?”.

After I considered the fact that I wasn’t the one pushing a small bowling ball out of my vagina, I reluctantly agreed that we should at least MEET with Serena.  After hearing the prices and again considering the bowling ball, I decided that it was worth a shot.

Then the day of my daughter’s birth came.  I knew I would have some things to do that day – but I had NO idea how much work there is to actually do to be supportive to a women who is in labor.  It’s intense.  I’d argue more intense than the labor itself (just kidding – chill).  Serena was not just an extra set of hands – she was like an eight armed superwoman.  While she was rubbing my wife’s back she was giving me water and getting us food all at the same time.  Not to mention how encouraging she was to BOTH of us.  She is not just a doula – she is an eight armed super woman (not literally – don’t worry kids) with a voice that is oozing with encouragement.

My wife and I now have two beautiful kids, both delivered with Serena at our side encouraging us and helping where it was needed.  Serena is a non-negotiable part of any birth we do in our household now and  I’d highly recommend you go get a doula now, and make sure she’s a one-of-a-kind-eight-armed-superwoman™.

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Obviously, this dad was a hoot to work with! There is a doula for every family, and I like to think that this family got the right one. Thank you Mike & Nikki (and bowling ball One and Two), for the honor of serving you! Thanks to ALL you ridiculously awesome families who welcomed me on your journey!

Doula Serena